Membership Fees for year 1st March 2025 to 28th February 2026
FULL PLAYING MEMBERS £135.00 (incl 12 months associate membership of Windlesham Club & Theatre)
NEW to OUTDOOR BOWLING £80.00 (as above)
JUNIOR MEMBERS under 16 £21
FULL PLAYING MEMBERS £135.00 (incl 12 months associate membership of Windlesham Club & Theatre)
NEW to OUTDOOR BOWLING £80.00 (as above)
JUNIOR MEMBERS under 16 £21
Please see our privacy policy at the foot of this page..
If the Green Team makes a request or you are making divots please see the pictures below which illustrate how to lay them.
You will find the mats, nails, and 2 metre measuring sticks in the equipment shed.
1. Place the 2 metre stick and mat on the green as shown
2. Unfold the mat and place it square next to the mat front edge.
3. Using the set of 8 nails pin the 4 corners of the mat stretching it flat.
4. The place the other six nails as shown.
5. Place a mat at each end of the rink.
6. If you find that you are missing the green mat with your delivery move it forward so that your wood is delivered hitting the green mat.
7. After play return all the equipment tidily to the equipment shed making sure no nails are left onthe green which will damage the mowers.
8. Thank you for your help in keeping our green in top condition.
9. A copy of the photos will be placed on our noticeboard.
If the Green Team makes a request or you are making divots please see the pictures below which illustrate how to lay them.
You will find the mats, nails, and 2 metre measuring sticks in the equipment shed.
1. Place the 2 metre stick and mat on the green as shown
2. Unfold the mat and place it square next to the mat front edge.
3. Using the set of 8 nails pin the 4 corners of the mat stretching it flat.
4. The place the other six nails as shown.
5. Place a mat at each end of the rink.
6. If you find that you are missing the green mat with your delivery move it forward so that your wood is delivered hitting the green mat.
7. After play return all the equipment tidily to the equipment shed making sure no nails are left onthe green which will damage the mowers.
8. Thank you for your help in keeping our green in top condition.
9. A copy of the photos will be placed on our noticeboard.