For help with BIAS please contact Ian Mattholie on 07775431720
Please see a video on how to register for BIAS below
Our software for online use is called BIAS. You will need to register, using the link above, to use it.
As a registered member you will have access to:
- Your membership details which you can amend as necessary.
- The contact details for members of the Club and ability to call or email them.
- The fixture list for the entire season together with the results of played matches.
- The ability to put your name down for matches, see if you have been selected and confirm your acceptance to play.
- The ability to book a rink.
- The captains for each match will be able to view those who wish to play, select the teams, send a confirmation to the players and receive acceptance.
- The facility to print scorecards & match sheets containing the names of players who have been selected.
- View your own personal account.
The following is a detailed explanation of how to register and log on:
To use the BIAS bowling system you have to register your email address. This registration can be used to access multiple clubs, so if you play indoor and outdoor bowls you will not have to register more than once.
If you have any queries please email The developer Keith on ([email protected]).
Open a web browser, such as Internet Explorer or chrome, and type into the address bar at the top.
Press the Register link at the top right of the BIAS home page.
Fill in your email address, if your club has your email on record it is important that you use the same one.
Type in and confirm a password that you will use for logging into the site. If you forget this password you can reset it.
Press the Register button.
Within a couple of minutes the system will send a mail to the email address you typed in. Click on the link in the email. This confirms to the system that you are in control of the email account.
Once your email address has been confirmed, log into BIAS using the Login button or menu item . Once logged in, on the menu bar select My club -> My details. You will be taken to your membership record, some fields may be filled in already. Complete as much of the form as you wish. These details are only visible to you and your clubs membership secretaries. Do NOT fill in the email field at the top.
The greyed out areas toward the bottom are filled in by your clubs treasurer and membership secretaries. These may be blank at this stage, do not worry.
Press Save at the bottom of the My Details form.
Once your details have been saved an 'Add club to this membership' link will appear beside the Active Memberships box at the bottom of the page. Click it and you will be taken to the Add Club form.
Select the club you are a member of followed by Add.
If you are already a Member of Windlesham then you are automatically approved and may use the system.
The screen will refresh and your selected club will appear in the pending memberships box.
If you are a new member you now have to wait for your clubs membership secretary to confirm you are a legitimate member of that club. Once confirmed you will be sent an email introducing you to using the BIAS system for that club.